Career · self-publishing · word counts · writing

Project update

We’re already a third of the way into June, how did that happen?! I’ve been getting back into the grove of writing the past week or so, after a month or more of barely writing anything and flittering around between different projects. I did get a lot of planning and notes down on a few… Continue reading Project update

Amazon · Career · Money · self-publishing

February sales numbers are in!

Alrighty. It’s mid-month. That time that indie authors clammer for (or maybe it’s just me?), where Amazon releases our official sales figures  for the previous month and you find out just how much you’re going to get paid for your Kindle Unlimited page reads. For the month of February, I earned a grand total of:… Continue reading February sales numbers are in!

Amazon · Career · CRT · gardening · organic · self-publishing · Teaching · Uncategorized · writing

One day of relief teaching = 120 sales.

Writing is definitely my passion, and what I want to do with the rest of my life for a living, but obviously I’m not there yet (just have a squizz at the Show Me the Money tab above!).  Not even close to there. Well, not unless I move to somewhere with an extremely low cost of… Continue reading One day of relief teaching = 120 sales.